Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Research Methods | 7HSK0308 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2023/24
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Research Methods | 7HSK0308 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2023/24
11/10/2023 | Semester A - Online delivery – students need to be available to attend synchronous teaching sessions on the following dates | Intake Full
12/10/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 09/11/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 08/11/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 06/12/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 07/12/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 10/01/2024 (Assessment date), 11/10/2023 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session)
31/01/2024 | Semester B - Online delivery – students need to be available to attend synchronous teaching sessions on the following dates | Intake Closed
31/01/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 01/02/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 28/02/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 29/02/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 10/04/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 11/04/2024 (Online delivery - synchronous teaching session), 08/05/2024 (Assessment date)

  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences – Advanced Radiotherapy and Oncology Practice
  • HHMPHYMSC - MSc Advanced Physiotherapy
  • HSASWPM - MSc Advanced Social Work Practice
  • HSAPPM - MSc Advanced Paramedic Practice
  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences – Advanced Medical Imaging
  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Medical Ultrasound
  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Clinical Radiographic Reporting

This module is designed for any health professional who wishes to develop an understanding of research paradigms, and research methodologies and methods commonly encountered within healthcare. You should be a qualified health care professional currently working in an appropriate area of practice.   


The aim of the course is to enable you to understand different research methodologies and the application of a range of research techniques. It also aims to develop your knowledge and skills required to plan, design, conduct and present research.  


You will participate in examination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and critical analysis and evaluation of published literature, in order to develop your knowledge and diversify skills.  


Key strands of research methods that will be explored in depth include:

 • The aims, processes and terminologies associated with research approaches. 

 • Research paradigms and their relevance. 

 • Information retrieval, literature searches and challenges.  

• Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research methodologies and methods. 

 • The role of ethics and governance approval committees. 

 • Systematic critiquing of research publications and their relevance for clinical practice. 


You should be a qualified health care professional currently working in an appropriate area of practice. 


The assessment consists of an online examination. 

Learning Outcomes

Students will typically: 


1. Develop critical knowledge and understanding of the philosophical issues and methodological approaches in research. 

2. Develop an understanding of principles and procedures of ethics and governance associated with research. 

3. Critically articulate the purpose and context of research and the basis for selecting appropriate research methodology and designs. 

4. Critically review and appraise published research. 


What our students say...

“Overall very knowledgeable lecturing. Stimulating and engaging. Good preparation for assignment”

“Used a variety of examples to relate back to all professions”


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Course Leader
Name: Louise Smith
Tel: 01707 281030
Name: Louise Patterson
Tel: 01707 284800


The price quoted above is per 15 credits and relates to students assessed as UK/home self-funded for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU/Overseas. Fees status will normally stay with the student for the remainder of their course. Here you can find further details along with, costs and when your fees need to be paid. You may be able to obtain a Post Graduate student loan, for which you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just individual modules or a Post Graduate Diploma, further details can be found at Gov.uk Master’s Loan

Learner Hours
Scheduled 30 hours & Independent 120 hours
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